Exploring the Benefits of Somatic Therapy as part of your Journey

Let's get curious about working somatically as part of the therapy journey.

Chantal Francis

1/22/20242 min read

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purple textile on white textile

In the realm of therapy and personal development, there are various approaches that can help individuals navigate their inner landscapes and promote healing. One such approach is somatic therapy, which focuses on the mind-body connection and emphasises the importance of physical sensations and experiences in the healing process.

Somatic therapy, also known as somatic experiencing or body-centred therapy, recognises that our bodies hold valuable information and wisdom that can move us towards healing and growth. It involves paying attention to bodily sensations, movements, and patterns as a means of accessing and processing emotions, trauma, and other unresolved and unintegrated experiences.

What Does Working Somatically Mean?

Working somatically involves bringing awareness to the physical sensations and experiences that arise in our bodies. It encourages individuals to tune into their bodily sensations, such as breath, tension, pain, relaxation, to name but a few, and explore the meaning and significance behind them.

By becoming more attuned to our bodies, we can gain insight into our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that may be stored within our physical being. Through using certain practices such as Breathwork and mindful movement, we can gain direct access to our autonomic nervous system, with opportunity to reset our baseline for living. Somatic therapy creates opportunity for a person to establish their own sense of inner a safety, to anchor what that feels like for them, and from there begin to to explore their bodily experiences and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

The Benefits of Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy offers a range of benefits that can support individuals in their personal growth journey, it is experiential in nature.

1. Increased Self-Awareness:

By paying attention to bodily sensations, individuals can develop a greater sense of self-awareness. This heightened awareness allows them to recognise and understand their emotions, triggers, and patterns of behaviour more deeply.

2. Regulation of Emotions:

Working somatically helps individuals validate and regulate their emotions by learning to identify and manage physical sensations associated with different emotional states. In particular, using Breath as part of the somatic experience, supports our nervous system in re-gaining and maintaining a baseline of optimal flexibility, which in turn leads to a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being.

3. Healing Trauma:

Somatic therapy is particularly effective in healing trauma. By gently exploring and renegotiating trauma within the body, individuals can step by integrated step get permission to access the wound, expand their capacity to be with the full spectrum of emotions that as humans, we are designed to experience and move towards healing the at the core.

4. Improved Body Connection:

Many individuals feel disconnected from their bodies due to past experiences or societal pressures. Somatic therapy helps individuals reconnect with their bodies, fostering a deeper sense of embodiment and self-acceptance.

5. Enhanced Personal Growth:

Through somatic therapy, individuals can gain valuable insights and tools for personal growth. By integrating the mind and body, they can develop new ways of relating to themselves and others, leading to positive changes in their lives.

The main takeaway

Somatic therapy offers a holistic approach to personal growth and healing by acknowledging the significance of the mind-body connection. By working somatically, individuals can tap into their body's wisdom, gain self-awareness, regulate emotions, heal trauma, improve their body connection, reset their baseline for being and living, and enhance their overall personal growth journey.

If you're curious about exploring somatic therapy, then you are in the right place. When working together, I will be integrating somatic practices into our sessions, which you then get to take with you into your life, and continue to draw upon as you move forward. For more on how I work somatically, I invite you to get in touch for a free 15 minute discovery call.