An Embodied Approach to Personal Growth

Why do I work somatically?

Working somatically recognises that our bodies hold valuable information which impacts how we experience and relate in life; our body and brain are in constant dialogue through our autonomic nervous system.

Integrating somatic practice into therapy sessions enriches the talk therapy experience and allows for an embodied approach to personal growth.

It offers a lifelong resource that never stops serving you; connection to and communication with your body.

You will be invited to experience:

  • A deeper connection to yourself and an embodied approach to personal growth.

  • A pathway to experience feeling your emotions.

  • A gentle bottom-up approach to processing without the need to force change, i.e., your head trying to convince yourself of something when your body doesn't believe or trust it yet.

  • A sense of empowerment; you regain your choice in how you relate to yourself, others, and in life.

These are benefits available to you no matter what brings you to therapy, and no matter where you are on your personal growth journey.

It is always your choice.

“The constant fluctuation between release and tension is what creates the rhythm of life”

Eric Franklin

Movement moves us when words can't